Banaue is a famous town for summer resort in Philippnes. Banaue is also famous for rice terraces. You can move from Baguio to Banaue by bus. but information is not enough. I put them on here.
The bus company is KMS(Kiangan Motor Service) LINES that is local. They don't have web reservation system and official web site. They have only facebook.
If you want to reserve a ticket, you need to send message through facebook, call them, or visit ticket booth. I think you can take a bus without reservation probably.
In Feb 2014, Bus schedules from Baguio to Banaue are 8:00AM and 9:30PM.
Tourists don't know where KMS Teriminal is because information is nothing. Asking taxi driver is the best way. But you need prepare when taxi driver doesn't know where it or he doesn't understand English.
Accurate position of KMS Terminal in Baguio is below.
KMS Terminal in Baguio
It's northwest of Bumham Park.
An atmosphere of around terminal. Bumham Park is on the right side in this photo.
Find this sign board.
Buy a ticket at this booth.
I took a bus at 8:00AM. I had rest time 3 times. I arrived Banaue before 4:00PM.
I took 20-passengers minibus.
I arrived in front of 'Banaue Tourist Information' in Banaue.
An arriving point in Banaue
There is KMS office the foot of a slope of east.
KMS Terminal in Banaue
KMS Office is a house of right side.
The house on the road is 'Banaue Tourist Information'.
KMS Office in Banaue.
According to this sign board. They have bus schedules from Banaue to Baguio at 7:00AM and 6:00PM.
This informations is a Feb 2014 thing. You should ask bus company or prepare modifying plan when you visited.